What is Binocular Vision Disorder?

When the eyes are misaligned, binocular vision impairment ensues, which can cause a number of symptoms. Binocular Vision treatment promotes proper eye synchronization and teamwork (binocular vision). When the two eyes do not work together as a team, an individual’s performance can suffer in different areas, including sports, learning and reading, eye contact, and double vision. 

What Causes Binocular Vision Problems?

Although muscular anomalies in the eyes that create misalignment are the most common cause of binocular vision disorders, the underlying fundamental cause remains unknown. 

However, certain risk factors for binocular vision disorders have been identified, including:

    • Family history 
    • Age (risk increases as you get older) 
    • Head injuries (concussion, stroke, or neurological disorder) 
    • Sports-related injuries

What is Binocular Vision Therapy?

The optometrists at AMOS have extensive experience identifying and treating patients with binocular vision disorder. Each patient’s vision therapy is customized to their specific diagnosis. The general goals are:

  • Teach and strengthen brain-eye communication. 
  • Assist you in moving your eyes appropriately, keeping them aligned, and collaborating as a team.

Our binocular vision therapy includes a variety of procedures and exercises to improve the patient’s eye functions, such as eye alignment, focusmovement, visual processing, and the usage of lenses and prisms. As a result, an object appears to your eyes as a single image, allowing you to see clearly and comfortably.

Depending on the severity of the diagnosed disorders, a vision treatment program could last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.


​Common Symptoms Treatable by Vision Therapy

  • Slow reading
  • Eyestrain & Headaches
  • Skipping lines or losing place when reading
  • Loss of concentration
  • Difficulty reading for an extended period
  • Double vision after reading for extended time
  • Holding reading material close to face
  • Poor sports performance
  • Poor reading comprehension

Common Diagnoses Treatable by Vision Therapy

Convergence Insufficiency (difficulty bringing eyes together to a near point)

This is a common near vision problem that can interfere with a person’s ability to read, learn and work at near. Symptoms may include eyes hurting when reading or doing close work, words blurring or coming in and out of focus when reading. Losing your place while reading or doing close work. Fortunately office-based vision therapy is the most successful treatment.

Accommodative Insufficiency (difficulty changing or holding focus from near to far)

This is when you have difficulty changing or holding focus from near to far. Symptoms may include slow reading, poor reading comprehension, eyestrain and headaches, and avoidance of reading.

Eye Tracking Disorders (difficulty with gross or fine eye movements)

Binocular Vision Dysfunction (difficulty coordinating the eyes together)

Diplopia (double vision due to the eyes not working as a team)

Frequently Asked Questions