What is the Cost of Not Getting a Regular Eye Exam?

published at 03 Jun 2022
reading time 2 min read

What is the Cost of Not Getting a Regular Eye Exam?

To begin, I must state that the technology of eye examination has advanced significantly in recent years. It is now more successful in recognizing symptoms faster.

What are your present eye difficulties, such as retinal detachment, nearsightedness, or retinal terminal? The comprehensive eye exam allows us to detect these symptoms at early stage. A comprehensive eye exam is usually performed to check that you are not having any of the following vision problems:

  • macular degeneration in the elderly
  • cataract
  • aortic stenosis
  • retinitis
  • inflamed keratoconus
  • high blood pressure
  • diabetes
  • atherosclerosis
  • brain tumor

What is the cost of not getting a regular eye exam?

You’ve put your lives in danger. When you are in dangerous situations, your eyes are always be your first line of protection to keep you safe. Consider how dangerous it would be to cross a busy street or even drive at night with poor vision. A good pair of eyes can help you avoid danger and keep you (and others) safe.

Regular eye exams will assist you in identifying these issues and determining the extent to which the eye is dysfunctional. If an eye disease arises as a result of early detection, it can be treated and recovered in a timely manner. Some eye conditions may be an indication of various illnesses in other parts of the body, such as the brain which has the potential to harm the entire body.


This is why you should have your eyes examined at least once a year. The sooner you recognize the issue, the more problems you can cure right away and the longer the possibilities of having good health can be made.


Click here to learn more about our comprehensive eye exam