Is Myopia Inherited?

published at 16 Mar 2022
reading time 2 min read

I wear Glasses. Will They Be Necessary for My Child?

According to the study1, myopia in parents was associated with a higher risk of myopia in pre-school children, as well as a higher prevalence of myopia regardless of the race/ethnicity of the children. Parental myopia, particularly childhood-onset, may lead young children to develop myopia even before starting school. When determining a child’s risk of getting myopia, the parent’s ocular histories help eyecare practitioners learn more about the age of myopia onset. On top of that, children with two myopic parents have a greater risk of developing myopia than those with one myopic parent2.


The risk of myopia children increases when parents are myopic3.

As a myopic parent, what can you do?

Aside from having your children’s eyes examined on a regular basis, providing a suitable visual environment for them by limiting their screen time and encouraging more outside play is also recommended.


If you or a loved one hasn’t had an eye checkup this year, make an appointment today : )

Learn more about myopia control and three techniques to control the development of myopia here.

  1. Jiang X, Tarczy-Hornoch K, Cotter SA, Matsumura S, Mitchell P, Rose KA, Katz J, Saw SM, Varma R; POPEYE Consortium. Association of Parental Myopia with Higher Risk of Myopia Among Multiethnic Children Before School Age. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2020 May 1;138(5):501-509.
  2. Zhang, X., Qu, X., &Zhou, X. (2015). Association between parental myopia and the risk of myopia in a child. Experimental And Therapeutic Medicine, 9(6), 2420-2428. doi: 10.3892/etm.2015.2415
  3. Morgan P. (2016) Is Myopia Control the Next Contact Lens Revolution? OPTICIAN


Photo credit: <a href=””>Baby playing photo created by shurkin_son –</a>