How to Treat Pink Eye in Children Like a Pro

published at 16 Jun 2022
reading time 4 min read

Did you realize that pink eyes aren’t limited to adults? However, it is also conceivable in children. If a child’s eyes are irritating and damp, and they constantly touch their eyes, this is the first sign of pink eyes. This can proceed to the cornea and cause ocular irritation. What causes pink eyes in children? Is there a way to treat it? Let’s try if we can figure it out in this article.


Recognize Pink Eyes in Children

Pink eyes (conjunctivitis) is a condition in which the conjunctiva becomes inflamed or infected. The conjunctiva is the clear mucous membrane that covers the whites of the eyes and the inner lining of the eyelids. The causes of conjunctivitis are divided into two types:

Infectious disease – Either from viruses such the Adenovirus, which produces a sore throat and a high fever, or bacteria like Staphylococcus Aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae, which are spread primarily by touch. Children, by nature, put everything in their mouths and rub their faces and eyes, not realizing the harm it may cause. As a result, children are more prone to pink eyes than adults.

Non-infectious disease – Non-infectious pink eyes can be caused by irritants. Pollen, grass, dust from pets, dust and dust mites can all irritate or trigger allergies. Conjunctivitis can be caused by a variety of factors, including an accident or a medicine allergy.



Pink Eyes Symptoms in Children

It starts with itchy eyes and frequent rubbing, then the eyes turn red with tears, frequent blinking, eye pain, and a lot of white, yellow, or green eye discharge, which can cause the eyes to open after waking up. It could begin with one eye and then move to the other.

The following are some of the symptoms of conjunctivitis:

Virus conjunctivitis

Children frequently have red eyes, itchy eyes, tears, and enlarged lymph nodes in front of the ears. It’s conceivable that your eyes will swell. Photophobia (eye discomfort in bright light) stops people from looking at light for lengthy periods of time, thus a little eye irritation could be enough. Your eyes will get red and inflamed if they are exposed to light. They may be accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, cold symptoms, a respiratory infection, or conjunctivitis. The viral conjunctivitis usually clears up on its own within 2-3 weeks.

Bacterial conjunctivitis

Children will have very intense red eyes. There is a lot of yellow or green eye discharge that occurs frequently after waking up, making it difficult to open the eyes. Inflammation of both sides of the eye is common.

Conjunctivitis caused by allergic reactions

It often presents with symptoms such as itchy, watery, or swollen eyes, and is often associated with allergic rhinitis symptoms such as sneezing, itchy nose, runny nose, and stuffy nose.


Treatment of Conjunctivitis in Children

You should not buy topical or eye drops to treat the child’s red eyes. Instead, children should see an optometrist or a pediatrician to be diagnosed with conjunctivitis caused by viruses, bacteria, or allergies. It could also be caused by something other than conjunctivitis, such as irritants in the eye.

If the eyes are infected with bacteria, they need to be treated with eye drops to disinfect them and use a cold compress to minimize swelling. Apply the compress for 5-10 minutes at a time, 2-3 times a day, and the symptoms will improve in approximately 5-6 days. The symptoms should improve within 7-10 days in most cases, but if they don’t, consult your doctor.


How to Keep Your Kid Eyes Clean

If the child has tears or eye discharge, gently wipe it with a clean cotton ball moistened with water. Wipe it gently. Repeatedly using the towel is not recommended.

Pink eye is a very contagious infection that can be transferred by direct contact with others, especially within the same household, or by rubbing your eyes with your hand. As the best form of prevention, parents should encourage their children to wash their hands frequently. Simultaneously, you should monitor your child’s eye health.

If you suspect pink eye in your toddler, make an appointment with us today!