Diabetes and Eyesight

published at 17 Nov 2022
reading time 3 min read


Everyone must be acquainted with at least one individual who has been told they have diabetes. Because of the strong connection between the eyes and diabetes, it is frequently detected during routine eye exams. Although most diabetics only encounter minor vision problems, severe diabetic eye illnesses can result in blindness, so it’s important to be aware of potential risks. Therefore, never, ever, ever miss your eye exam appointment!


Diabetes’s Impact on The Eyes

Diabetic retinopathy

It is the most severe complication of diabetes and the main cause of blindness in the US. Blood sugar levels that are too high can clog the tiny blood vessels that supply the retina, preventing it from receiving oxygen-rich blood. The eye makes an effort to generate new blood vessels as a result. However, these new blood vessels don’t grow properly and are highly prone to leakage.

Diabetic maculopathy/macular edema

Normally, all the light that enters our eye is focused onto a small (as tiny as a pinhead) region of your central retina and is essential for seeing fine detail. There is a condition known as diabetic maculopathy or macular edema. Diabetes can cause diabetic maculopathy which affects your macula. Reading print or identifying faces could be challenging if this occurs. Macular edema, which can result in irreversible vision loss, is the term for when the macula expands with fluid.


Diabetes’ raised blood sugar levels can cause nerve damage and increased pressure inside the eye. Glaucoma is the name of the ailment, and people with diabetes are 40% more likely to acquire it.


Diabetes may contribute to the accelerated development of cataracts. High blood sugar levels can result in too much sugar building up in the lens, which affects the water content and stretches the lens. The lens recovers to its original form as soon as the blood sugar levels drop. The lens may prematurely age due to these gradual changes in the tissue structure of the lens. Cataracts are 60% more likely to form in people with diabetes, and many get the problem earlier in life and advance more quickly.


Annual eye exams are essential for the early detection and treatment of disorders that could damage your vision, and they are especially crucial for anyone who is at high risk, such as those who have diabetes. Even while certain sight-threatening illnesses are permanent, when they are caught early enough, they can at least be slowed down and managed. Your vision can be saved if diabetic eye disease is detected early.


Source: Coopervision